Door Panel Re-Covering
Give your door panels a new lease of life with new canvas.
You will need to send your existing door panels to be re-covered, though we sometimes have second-hand panels available if yours are missing or badly damaged.
£80 a set + £15 P&P or £60 inc P&P if ordered with a matching hood
Add £20 if you would prefer them covered in vinyl to match your seats
For 6 and 4 light 2CVs and Dyanes.
For glueing inside the body shell to replace the crumbling felt original.
(see colours below)
£50 as photographed including cappings for the inner rear wings (the part which shows with the rear seat in place), or £70 with full inner wing covers (to cover the complete inner wing panel down into the boot). Please note that concealing the bump-stops and rear seat mountings with the latter option will prevent you spotting any corrosion in these rust-prone areas.
plus £5.50 P&P
Standard Visor Covers
(see colours below)
Both styles available for visors with metal or plastic brackets.
Please state which you require, as they are different shapes.
And please don’t say ‘one of each’!
£15 plus £4 P&P
Rear Parcel Shelf Hammock Section
(the felt part)
The supporting metal rods are not included though we sometimes have some refurbished rods in stock.
£35 plus £5.50 P&P,
Supporting metal rods (when available) £15
Matt’s Soft Tops – [email protected] – 01243 780132 – 07514 760806